[videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/apb/2019/St%20Patricks%20Security%20after%20Notre%20Dame%20Fire/APB%20St%20Patricks%20security%20after%20Notre%20Dame%20Fire_1.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/apb/2019/St%20Patricks%20Security%20after%20Notre%20Dame%20Fire/APB%20St%20Patricks%20security%20after%20Notre%20Dame%20Fire0.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”stpatssecurity” preload=”true”]
Monday, April 15, 2019 – Midtown Manhattan –
As a catastrophic fire engulfed the upper floors the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, as it was undergoing renovations, threatening one of the greatest architectural treasures of the Western world – the NYPD adds to the patrol at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Midtown, Manhattan.
The NYPD says there are no known threats and it is not clear what triggered the fire in Paris, the NYPD was taking a cautious approach.
Seasonal tourists came and went all day today with incident.