[flv:/flv/apb_subwaytunnels.flv 600 440]
New York City MTA Chairman Joseph J. Lhota released a statement on Tuesday declaring Hurricane Sandy the most “devastating” disaster in the subway’s 108-year history. The hurricane has flooded seven subway tunnels under the East River and affected “every borough and county of the region,” according to the statement.
“In 108 years, our employees have never faced a challenge like the one that confronts us now,” Lhota writes.
APB News working with MTA’s Transit News Magazine got an exclusive first hand look inside the tunnels and how the staff worked around the clock to pump out the salt water.
Hugh L. Carey Tunnel
Hurricane Sandy temporarily flooded and caused damage to the Queens Midtown Tunnel and specifically, the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel was also hit with massive flooding to the ceiling. APb news got a firsthand look at the salt water damage and the people who worked around the clock to save the tunnels.