[videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/2016/DayBeforeElection-TrumpTower-110716/DayBeforeElection-TrumpTower-110716.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/2016/DayBeforeElection-TrumpTower-110716/DayBeforeElection-TrumpTower-110716.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ preload=”true”]
Hundreds of tourists stopped throughout the day to get a look at a handful of protesters staging demonstrations outside of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. As many as ten separate individuals stood in front of Donald Trump’s NYC home and campaign headquarters to either cheer him on or protest his candidacy as the Republican running for the White House.
NYPD Counter-Terrorism teams kept a close watch on the scene as regular patrolmen kept the crowds of tourists moving along a busy Fifth Avenue venue on a sunny fall day.
Most of the tourists said they were happy that the election cycle was finally ending and characterized the experience as dreadfully messy and embarrassing. But one NYC resident said that the bitterness of the political campaign will continue to play out in congress over the next four years.
Four out of five people we spoke to were voting for Hillary Clinton expressing fear and distrust of Donald Trump, while his supporters claimed that he would be saving the country from politics as usual.