[videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/apb/2019/Climate%20Strike%20September%202019/APB%20Climate%20Strike%20Sept%202019_1.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/apb/2019/Climate%20Strike%20September%202019/Climate0.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”Climate APB 2019″ preload=”true”]
September 20, 2019 | By: APB Staff Writer
Lower Manhattan: Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg participated in the New York climate strike protest in Foley Square, and lead the march to Battery Park, followed by a rally where she offered a passionate and direct speech to the audience and to world leaders.
The protest was part of a global strike that came three days before world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the annual general assembly which started with a September 23 much-anticipated climate summit.