The investigation into the former New York City mayor’s dealings with Ukraine is front & center.
Wednesday, April 29, 2021 – Upper East Side, NYC:
The NYPD was on hand as well as the media outside of former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Upper East Side apartment ion Wednesday hours after federal agents from the FBI and the US Attorney’s office from the Southern District appeared at 6 AM with search warrants to gather and look through Giuilani’s apartment and then his NYC office.
Agents left with various electronic devices are part of a long running a long-running investigation into his ties to Ukraine and whether he illegally lobbied the Trump administration on behalf of his connections and clients in the European nation.
APB News was out in front to see if the former president’s personal attorney would appear before the microphones but later in the evening he issued a statement condemning the raid claiming he offered to hand over what they requested earlier in the week. Donald Trump defended Giuliani on Thursday morning while speaking by phone to the Fox Business Network.
“You know, Rudy Giuliani is a great patriot,” Trump said. “He does these things, he just loves this country and they raid his apartment, it’s, like, so unfair … I don’t know what they’re looking for, what they’re doing.”